Friday, February 19, 2016

Cultural Lies

Lying is indeed a cooperative act. People show this everyday with some of these cultural lies. I am going to tell you some examples of these cultural lies. I was watching CNN last night and it had the republican town hall on. They asked Trump about George W. Bush lying when he declared the war on Terror. George W. Bush said that there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when there was not and that was his reasoning for the war. He lied to everyone and got us as a nation in a big mess. Another is that Muslims are all bad or are all terrorists. This is not true. There are many Muslims that do not kill or do terrorists attacks but the few that do make the others look bad. As a country I think we cannot take the risk on of having these people in the country because yeah all aren't bad but enough are. It is in their religion to kill that is just my view but I do not believe that all are bad. Those are just a few of many cultural lies in this country.