Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lying during the Iowa Caucus

There is lying all throughout politics. The most obvious recent lie was during the Iowa Caucus. A rumor was thrown out there about Ben Carson and how he planned to drop out. Ted Cruz used that and told many of his supporters and people in Iowa that Ben Carson was going to drop out to try and steal his votes and that is what he did. He stole his votes and ended up beating Donald Trump. Ben Carson is likely to drop out soon but he was at least going to finish the Iowa caucus and has recently finished the New Hampshire Primary so maybe the people that told Ted Cruz and his people that Ben Carson was dropping out maybe they lied or maybe it was all Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz sent out a letter to his supporters and talked about how Ben Carson was going to drop out so he stole votes. Either way he was part of the lie and it was wrong. I am just happy Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary.

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